2023 Scholarship Committee Report
In 2020, as a club we committed to raise funds, supported entirely by the voluntary contributions of our members, to annually present a scholarship to an outstanding student athlete, who epitomized outstanding curling achievement, sound academic performance, community involvement and demonstrated leadership in developing the sport of curling.
The decision was taken at that time to present our scholarship in the amount of $2500, within Curling Canada's For the Love of Curling Scholarship Program as a stand alone award. The pairing with Curling Canada has been very beneficial and helped us build a strong initiative.
While contributions to the Scholarship Program are welcomed at any time, the GGCC formally reaches out to Members only twice a year, once at the time of the Safari/AGM, the other in early November. To date we have raised $13,300 and funded scholarships in 2021 and 2022.
Our previous scholarship winners have their accomplishments attached to this report. Our 2023 recipient has been selected from a group of very talented candidates and will be introduced at our AGM in Edmonton.
The Scholarship Committee, with the Executive Committee approval, have decided to add a second scholarship for presentation next year as part of our 150th anniversary celebration in Ottawa.
Your continued support is appreciated both by your committee and our student athletes.
Respectively submitted,
Wil Thurlow
Fran Todd
Pat Reid