Curling in Canada  
The history of curling in Canada begins with eighteenth century Scottish Highlanders serving with General Wolfe at Quebec, playing on the St. Lawrence River with "stones" made from melted-down scrap iron from old French cannons. By 1807 the first curling club in Canada was formed - the Royal Montreal Curling Club. Their games also were played on the St. Lawrence. Soon many other curling clubs were formed: the Kingston C.C. in 1820, the Quebec C.C. in 1821, Fergus in 1834, and the Granite in Toronto in 1836.  
Royal Patronage for Curling  
By the nineteenth century there had long been local curling clubs throughout Scotland, operating independently with their own rules and customs. In 1838 an ad in the Edinburgh Scotsman called for representatives from all curling clubs to meet. The result was the Grand Caledonian Curling Club with its objective to "unite curlers throughout the world into one Brotherhood of the Rink and to regulate the Ancient Scottish game of Curling by General Laws." ( A Century of Curling 13)  
Within a short time the Club received royal patronage. During an 1843 royal visit to his home, the Earl of Mansfield, President of the Club, planned a demonstration of the grand game to her Royal Highness, Queen Victoria. Mild weather made an outdoor game impossible, but the resourceful Mansfield turned the waxed and highly-polished ballroom floor into a reasonable substitute for ice, and the Queen "was amused." The Prince Consort was enthusiastic about the game and became the patron of the now Royal Caledonian Curling Club.  

Three former Governors-General of Canada have served as President of that Royal Caledonian Curling Club, the Mother Club: The Earl of Minto, The Marquis of Lorne and The Earl of Aberdeen. A Canadian Branch of the Royal Caledonian was formed in 1852.